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Zeteo School of Theology is an independent school of higher theological education. We offer university-level (BA and MA), online, intensive courses for adults. Established in 2019, Zeteo was created with the intent to make responsibly-taught theology more accessible to anyone who wishes to learn. 


Zeteo's name is taken from the Koine Greek word, ζητεω (zeteo), meaning 'to seek'. Specially, 'to seek in order to find'.
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus invited his listeners to "... seek (
zeteo) first his kingdom and his justness..." (Matthew 6:33).

Zeteo School of Theology is centred around making theological learning more accessible to seekers.


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Responsible Theology, Made More Accessible


Zeteo aims to make responsible theology more accessible to those who might otherwise not be able to afford the cost or time-commitment of a University program. 


We do this by:


1. Offering affordable, intensive, online courses.


2. Mindfully crafting our curriculum to reflect responsible teaching practices, and carefully considered methodology.



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We believe that Theology is deeply impactful on every level of personal and social life. It is not a mere theoretical or academic exercise, but affects us all, whether we engage with it intentionally or not. It can massively influence our wellbeing, our worldview, sense of Self, and how we interact with our communities and society.


History has repeatedly demonstrated that irresponsible theology can do great harm. It has been weaponised against a country's citizens, twisted to achieve power for those who would exploit others, or used as a apparatus to manipulate or oppress individuals. But responsible, informed theology can liberate. It can be empowering to the oppressed, enriching to genuine seekers, and affirming to those who desire justice, freedom, and truth in the world.​


We believe that theological learning ought not be limited by age, financial status, academic gatekeeping, or employment. We view theology as an ongoing, dynamic journey - one spanning a lifetime. It is an opportunity to continuously learn, pushing against the inclination of stagnation and sense of superiority. We hope to offer resources and tools to help on that journey.


Zeteo School is committed to offering online courses at low prices, in the hopes that, though a student may not be able to afford full-time University studies, they can still have access to quality theological learning.


Zeteo works to build aptitude in the discipline of theology, focusing on the methods of Biblical Theology, and contextual reading of the text. Our courses give attendees tools which can be used beyond their time with us, with the intent to encourage theological proficiency and skills which enable continued self-study after courses are complete. 


We believe in the virtue of empowering students with skills such as biblical literacy, critical thinking, exegetical reading, an awareness of worldview, and responsibly-developed theological methodologies. These tools encourage competency and empowerment of the individual, versus an attitude of dependency on the assertions or availability of religious leaders or establishments. Zeteo is a non-denominational school which invited attendees of diverse backgrounds and beliefs.


We believe that bible illiteracy is damaging, both to individuals and communities, and that nourishing more informed, independent thinkers will always benefit the world more than generating unengaged, propagandised religious members. 

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Zeteo School was founded by theologian, Natalie R. Kendel (BA, MACert)​. Natalie has contributed to the field for over a decade. In addition to lecturing and research work, she utilises her multimedia work as a singer/songwriter, music producer, and author to creatively communicate the biblical narrative.


Zeteo School was established as a result of perceiving a need for part-time, affordable theological learning, and the challenge of high university tuition fees, issues of availability, and the problem of gatekeeping within many academic circles. 


Over the years, Natalie has produced more than a dozen music albums, written several books, plays, theological articles and research papers, conducted interviews with leaders at Christian institutions of higher learning, engaged in public speaking internationally, and has taught theological courses on a rich variety of topics. Natalie has previously been key speaker at youth and teen camps and Bible study seminars in England, Norway, Germany, Wales, Estonia, Denmark, and Ireland. She attended Newbold College from 2007, where she earned her BA in Theology, and later her MA certificate in Systematic Theology. 


Director and Head Lecturer

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