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Intensive Format


Zeteo's courses are taught in a format called intensives.

Intensives are short courses, usually lasting between a few days and two weeks. It involves taking the curriculum which would typically be taught over the course of a semester or a year, and condensing the material. (Many universities offer intensive classes for the benefit of part-time students.) Intensives allow attendees to focus on a single course for a shorter period of time, helping to fast-track learning and increase efficiency

University-level Curriculum

Our courses draw from all three tracks of theology (Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, and Pastoral Studies), with a focus on Systematic Theology and Biblical Studies subjects. The content of these courses is heavily based on curriculum taught in BA and MA theological programs as offered by Triple accredited (Triple Crown accreditation) universities in the UK. 


A Sequential Order


Zeteo School's courses are designed to be taken in a specific, sequential order. New courses build on previous ones, and form a logical, progressing theological understanding. This is to ensure that our theology is responsibly-taught, and that informed, well-considered foundations are laid.


For example, Covenant Theology is the first class in that sequence. It serves as our introductory course, and entryway to other courses. The content which we study in the Covenant Theology curriculum will be referred back to in other courses we offer. Offering our courses to attendees in a specific order helps to avoid potential confusion, unnecessary repetition, and a less-than-responsible method.

Cost of Courses

We aim to keep the costs of our courses as low as possible, to increase accessibility for those who'd like to sign up. Each course is priced individually, depending on a number of factors such as workload, cost of resources, etc. 

An example of our prices:

"Covenant Theology" - our introductory, 9-part intensive course cost £30 pp in January 2023. 

The cost of each course will be announced individually, as they are offered and promoted on our social media platforms. (So we'll put the price on the poster.) However, we aim to keep all courses in a similar range to the one mentioned above, so you can expect a similar price on other courses too.

The Class Experience 

Our online intensives are typically presented in a classical, University-lecture format. Each online course is delivered via lecture presentation by the lecturer.

Most of the online courses will be on YouTube - on our official YouTube channel. The class experience is well suited both for an individual and a larger group (for example, if one is hosting a Bible study group, or wishing to present the course to one's church congregation.)


Attendees will be given access to the class recordings on YouTube. So, although not everyone may be available to attend live classes, they can go through the course at their own convenience.

Zeteo School does not utilise a grading system. We do not focus on result-based learning, but development-based learning. We do, however, require attendees of our introductory course - Covenant Theology - to take an open-book exam in order to gain access to other courses. This is a pass-or-fail exam, and aims to ensure comprehension, not performance.

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