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How To Read The Bible Course: Coming This February!

We are excited to announce that this February Zeteo School is releasing a brand new course.

"How To Read The Bible" is an intensive course taught over 7 days. During this week, we will explore how to read and interpret The Bible in a more responsible and informed way. Answering questions like: "Where did The Bible come from?" "How can I navigate all the different interpretations out there?" "Why are there so many Bible versions?" "How can we really know what Bible texts mean?" Presented by theologian, Natalie Kendel, attendees are invited to a week of engaging classes with university-level curriculum for this approachable, impactful course. The course is designed to be suitable for professionals and lay persons alike.

The HTRTB course aims to equip those attending with life-long tools and resources to better interpret The Bible.

And it's completely free.

Classes will take place live each evening on ZOOM, from 16th-22nd February, 7pm GMT. Each class lasts ca. 1 hour.

Sign up now by simply writing to or contact us for more information.

We look forward to sharing this course with you!

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